муниципальный этап 2022 ответы задания олимпиады

22-23 ноября 2022 Английский язык всероссийская олимпиада школьников задания и ответы муниципального этапа 2022


Олимпиада по английскому языку 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 и 11 класс задания, ответы и решения муниципального этапа 2022 всероссийской олимпиады школьников ВСОШ для школьников Республики Татарстан, которая прошла 22-23 ноября 2022 года.

Опубликованы материалы и предварительные результаты олимпиады по английскому языку.

Некоторые задания с олимпиады

1. What does Jane want to see at the cinema? She doesn’t have a clear idea. She wants to see the new James Bond film. She wants to see a love story.

2. Robert can’t come to the cinema. likes action films. prefers not to see the James Bond film.

3. The sad film is about two people who die. doesn’t sound good to David. is the only choice.

4. David thinks the comedy would be good for children. the comedy is a good choice for everyone. not everyone likes comedies.

5. Jane will meet David at the cinema at about eight. says the film starts at about eight. will go to David’s house at about eight.

8. Try some of this cake Mark, which I ………. especially for you. put did made

9. Mark’s father used to work as a ………. in a French restaurant. cook cooker cookery

10. Isabella usually ……….. elegant jackets and very expensive shoes. dresses wears carries

11. Isabella asked the shop assistant to put the fruit in a ………. . purse bag handbag

12. Steve’s brother ………. two hours every day reading his favourite books. spends passes uses

13. We went to the zoo and saw the lions in their ………. . cabins cans cages

1) I live on the 14th floor of a tower block, so I have a wonderful _____’s-eye view of the town. A) Bee B) Fly C) Bird D) Bat

2) Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D Elsa congratulated me on getting the job, but I could tell that secretly she was _____ with envy. A) Red B) Green C) Black D) White

3) Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D I very rarely see my parents these days. They only come to visit once in a _____ moon. A) Black B) Orange C)Yellow D) Blue

4) Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D Jack is a smart _____. He knows everything and never makes bad decisions. A) Fruit B) Pizza C) Cookie D) Pie

5) Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D I’ll have this work done before you could say _____ Robinson A) Jack B) Jim C) George D) John

6) Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D I looked like a drowned ____ after the rain. ⦁ cat ⦁ rat ⦁ dog ⦁ mouse

7) Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D You shouldn’t have asked that, now a can of ____ is opened again. ⦁ hornets ⦁ flies ⦁ worms ⦁ ants

Английский язык региональный этап 2022 задания и ответы олимпиады

Английский язык региональный этап 2022 задания и ответы олимпиады 9 10 11 класс