British Bulldog 3-4 класс ответы и задания 2018-2019

Конкурс British Bulldog задания и ответы для 3-4 класса 2018-2019 учебный год дата проведения: 12.12.2018 ( 12 декабря )

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3-4 класс ответы и задания:

1)What is the programme at 11 oclock about?

2)When is Michael White going to talk about music that day? At oclock.

3)How many songs will Michael White sing?

4)What is the name of the song Michael White loves best? “You are the sun … ”. A) rise B) set C) shine D) bathe

5)Who will teach how to paint pictures? A) Bob Forster B) Jason Davis C) Tony Smart D) Michael White

6)Which animal stars in the drama? A … . A) dog B) cat C) cow D) horse

7)How do programmes usually end? With … . A) songs B) films C) music D) news

8)What is April 11 known for? It’s … . A) Sunday B) a public holiday C) Monday D) a weekend

9)When is there the special new programme? A) Tomorrow B) Next Monday C) On Friday D) On holiday

10)What is the special new programme about? A) Animals B) Food C) Music D) Swimming

Read the text and answer the questions Robin Hood and his merry men lived in Sher wood Forest near the town of Nottingham. They were good friends to all the poor people. They stopped rich men who were passing through Sher wood Forest and took their money. Then they gave that money to the poor. The poor people of England loved Robin Hood and his men. The sheriff of Notting ham wanted to kill Robin Hood. He sent his soldiers to Sherwood Forest many times, but they could not catch Robin Hood. No one can prove that such a man as Robin Hood really lived. All that we know about him comes from ballads. Most ballads are based on facts, and it is almost certain that in the 12th century a man who said that his name was Robin Hood lived in the forest as an outlaw.

11)What did Robin Hood do to the rich people? He … them. A) stole B) robbed C) greeted D) fed

12)What kind of people did Robin Hood like to help? A) Healthy B) Needy C) Rich D) Happy

13)In which country did Robin Hood live? In … . A) England B) Ireland C) Wales D) Scotland

14)What did Robin Hood take from the rich? A) Swords B) Money C) Horses D) Knives

15)Who loved Robin Hood? A) The rich B) The poor C) The sheriff D) Nobody

16)Who did the sheriff send to the forest? His … . A) friends B) family C) servants D) soldiers

17)What did the sheriff ask his people to do? To … Robin Hood. A) help B) invite C) talk to D) catch

18)What century is it almost certain Robin Hood lived in? In the … . A) eleventh B) fourteenth C) twelfth D) thirteenth

19)What does “outlaw” mean? Not protected by … . A) the law B) the poor C) the rich D) friends

20)All that we know about Robin Hood and his merry men comes from this genre. A) Ballads B) Stanzas C) Elegy D) Paean

21)We remember them. They were … neighbours. A) ours B) them C) mine D) our

22)We haven’t got … eggs in the fridge. A) any B) some C) much D) no

23)The farmer has got five cows and six … . A) ship B) shiips C) sheep D) sheeps

24)He usually goes to school … foot. A) from B) on C) in D) at

25)I have no siblings so I am a/an … . A) orphan B) single C) stepson D) only child

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