Муниципальный этап 2024-2025 всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку задания и ответы для 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класса. Данная олимпиада прошла у школьников Москвы 20-23 ноября 2024 года. Предварительные результаты ВСОШ уже известны. Критерии и решение опубликованы после заданий.
Набранные баллы и свои ответы участники могут посмотреть под своими аккаунтами в Московской электронной школе. Для этого нужно авторизоваться на главной странице МЭШ под своей учетной записью, в разделе «Олимпиады для учащихся» во вкладке «Мои олимпиады» выбрать нужную олимпиаду или перейти по ссылке нужного класса.
Задания для 7-8 класса олимпиада по английскому языку
zadanie-angl-7-8-mun-msk-24-259 класс
zadanie-angl-9-mun-msk-24-2510-11 класс
tasks-engl-10-11-mun-msk-24-25Разбор заданий 7-8 класса
Разбор заданий 9 класса
Разбор заданий 10-11 класса
Задания и ответы для 7-8 класса
1. Blacksmith’s Bridge” is a bad translation of “Кузнецкий Мост” because “blacksmith” does not mean “кузнец”. A) True B) False C) Not stated
Ответ: False
2. There is an underground river in Moscow. A) True B) False C) Not stated
Ответ: True
3. All Fabergé eggs are made of gold and diamonds. A) True B) False C) Not stated
Ответ: Not stated
4. Carl Faberge lived in Moscow, in Kuznetsky Most street. A) True B) False C) Not stated
Ответ: False
5. The owner of the “Magasin Anglais” was French. A) True B) False C) Not stated
Ответ: False
6. When the tour guide says, “You are good!” to the tourist, she means that the tourist pays close attention to details. A) True B) False C) Not stated
Ответ: True
7. Houses in Kuznetsky Most didn’t burn during Napoleon’s invasion in 1812. A) True B) False C) Not stated
Ответ: True
Задание 4. The Pilgrims mentioned in Paragraph B were … A) the Spanish conquistadors led by Hernando de Soto in 1539-1542. B) the English who came to North America on the Mayflower in 1620. C) the Vikings led to North America by Leif Erikson around A.D. 1000.
Ответ: B
Задание 5. Natural sap from trees was used for making chewing gum in the past … A) but is no longer used today. B) and is still often used today. C) and is the only base used today.
Ответ: B
Задание 7. Sapodilla, spruce and mastic are the names of … A) trees. B) chemicals. C) gum ingredients.
Задание 8. In some ways, making bubble gum is similar to making: A) paint. B) sugar. C) bread.
Задание 9. Which state is not associated with the early history of industrially produced chewing gum? A) Maine B) Pennsylvania C) Massachusetts
Задания и ответы для 9 класса
LISTENING Time: 15 minutes (15 points) Задание 1. Task 1 For items 1–10 listen to a talk about an explorer and decide whether the statements (1–10) are TRUE, or FALSE according to the text you hear. You will hear the text twice.
1. The speaker outlined his talk. A) True B) False
2. Thor Heyerdahl graduated from the University of Oslo with a major in Geography. A) True B) False
3. Thor Heyerdahl went on his first journey to Polynesia in the first half of the 20th century. A) True B) False
4. With the Коn-Tiki Thor Heyerdahl proved his theory that humans came to Polynesia with the ocean currents. A) True B) False
5. The Kon-Tiki expedition did not take off and Heyerdahl continued to travel. A) True B) False
6. Thor Heyerdahl was alone in the Kon-Tiki expedition. A) True B) False
7. In the late 60s Thor Heyerdahl tried to prove the contact between ancient Egypt and South America. A) True B) False
8. In 1958, Thor Heyerdahl established the Norwegian Academy of Sciences. A) True B) False
9. Thor Heyerdahl was awarded Oscar for the best fiction film. A) True B) False
10. Thor Heyerdahl passed away in his hometown. A) True B) False
Задание 2. At the beginning of the conversation, the principal announced the issue of parties in A) students’ dorms. B) college libraries. C) music halls.
Задание 3. What is NOT TRUE about the parties? A) They are not lengthy. B) They hinder studying process. C) They annoy many students.
Задание 4. The principal’s first idea was to A) Forbid the parties in the halls of college dorms. B) Change the time for the parties. C) Allow parties for a small fee.
Задание 5. What does the principal think about Eva’s idea of one party a semester? A) She finds it fair to everyone. B) She doesn’t find it viable. C) She doesn’t think it will be very popular among students.
Задание 6. What is NOT the final solution to the problem? A) Students will have to pay for the room. B) Students will have to arrange their parties in a different building. C) Students will have to reduce the number of parties per semester.
READING Time: 45 minutes (20 points) Task 1 For items 7–16, read the passage below and choose the option which best fits according to the text. Learning about the science of shyness.
Задание 7. When David was accepted to the chosen university, he A) decided to turn the invitation down immediately. B) felt thrilled and overjoyed about the news. C) was eager to welcome new challenges in life. D) reacted differently to what he had anticipated.
Ответ: trees
Задание 8. The liking gap experiment shows that people A) underestimate how much others can like their company. B) feel uncomfortable about asking questions. C) are initially embarrassed about answering questions. D) are prepared for criticism and judgement.
Ответ: bread
Задание 9. According to the research conducted at university, the liking gap
A) wears off within a couple of hours.
B) remains unbridgeable for some people.
C) lingers for quite a long time.
D) helps build a more stable relationship.
Ответ: Massachusetts
Задание 10. David didn’t pursue further contact with the people he liked because
A) asking someone out made him cringe.
B) he doubted their genuine interest in him.
C) he was embarrassed to get too much attention.
D) he felt uncomfortably inferior to them.
Задание 11. David thinks that the liking gap arises from
A) focusing on one’s own thoughts and behaviour.
B) missing out on the funny side of everyday life.
C) a wish to make a good first impression.
D) lack of encouragement from others to start a conversation.
Задание 12. People avoid paying compliments because they
A) don’t want to be interfering and nosy.
B) are not being complimented in return.
C) believe it is simple flattery.
D) think they may sound impolite and inept.
Задание 13. According to David, showing appreciation results in
A) creating a warm atmosphere.
B) cementing friendly feelings.
C) being praised in return.
D) shared feelings of comfort and pleasure.
Задание 14. When fighting shyness it is important
A) to stay determined.
B) to remain in you comfort zone.
C) to practise longer every day.
D) to work at the liking gap issue.
Задание 15. What is NOT true about David’s “conversational exchanges”?
A) He felt embarrassed because of the language barrier.
B) It became easier for him to initiate a talk in English.
C) His partners were delicate and understanding.
D) He made mistakes when speaking Italian.
Задание 16. Looking back, now David feels:
A) rejected and anxious.
B) surprised and thankful.
C) supported and appreciated.
D) regretful and nostalgic.
Задания и ответы для 10-11 класса
1. The speaker outlined his talk.
A) True B) False
2. Amelia Earhart moved to Chicago as soon as her father was given the sack.
A) True B) False
3. Amelia Earhart graduated from Columbia University in 1920.
A) True B) False
4. Amelia’s parents in California bought her first plane.
A) True B) False
5. After setting a world record Amelia Earhart was employed as a social worker.
A) True B) False
6. Amelia Earhart is famous for being the only woman to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic.
A) True B) False
7. Before flying across the Atlantic Amelia Earhart used to write articles.
A) True B) False
8. The only reason that prevented Amelia Earhart from flying to Paris was unfavourable weather conditions.
A) True B) False
9. After circumnavigating the world in 1937, Amelia Earhart published two books.
A) True B) False
10. Amelia Earhart was awarded by American and French governments.
A) True B) False
Задание 2. During her first week at the store Chloe managed to
A) deal with plenty of customers.
B) deal with a few difficult customers.
C) deal with hardly any other trainees.
Ответ: deal with a few difficult customers
Задание 3. The manager thinks the best sales people
A) are more than just fashion experts.
B) should answer questions about their section only.
C) are able to sell cosmetics and jewelry.
Ответ: are more than just fashion experts
Задание 4. The sales staff at the department
A) have to wear uniform.
B) are obliged to wear designer labels.
C) can be models for the store fashions.
Ответ: can be models for the store fashions
Задание 5. Which advice is NOT given to Chloe?
A) Find out about other departments in the store.
B) Pressurise customers to buy something.
C) Give customers a lot of attention.
Ответ: Pressurise customers to buy something
Задание 6. What is NOT TRUE about Chloe?
A) She is the right person for sales.
B) She has little sales experience.
C) She isn`t grateful to the manager for the advice.
Ответ: She isn`t grateful to the manager for the advice
Задание 7. Catherine’s two main passions are
A) watching people and imagining what their lives are like.
B) observing strangers and initiating conversations with them.
C) looking at people from a café or train window.
D) going to cafes and talking to people in public transport.
Задание 8. What is TRUE about Catherine’s job at the radio station?
A) She was one of the top newsmakers at the time.
B) She worked overtime by making long interviews.
C) She set her own interests above professional ones.
D) She efficiently emailed interviews after completing them.
Задание 9. The main concept of Catherine’s podcast is
A) to choose respondents meticulously.
B) to talk to strange and unconventional people.
C) to talk to random people anywhere.
D) to record exceptional life stories.
Задание 10. The man who Catherine talked to at lunchtime shared
A) his background and family history.
B) his failing health and unhappy marriage.
C) his wish to reconnect with his Italian roots.
D) his band’s successes all over the country.
Задание 11. Listeners of the podcast shared the opinion that the programme
A) let them become more open and communicative.
B) helped them understand other people better.
C) inspired them to start their own podcasts.
D) laid out a plan for how to start talking to strangers.
Задание 12. William Buckingham writes that while talking to strangers, people
A) try to sound light and unaffected.
B) tend to share their personal secrets.
C) feel free to tangle and argue with them.
D) aim to get feedback from their conversation partner.
Задание 13. After starting her podcast Catherine understood that
A) her worst fears became reality.
B) her question put many people off.
C) people were protective of their private lives.
D) many people were keen to answer her question.
Задание 14. According to Catherine’s friend Gina, people
A) tend to share most at the last minute.
B) feel vulnerable when you ask them a lot of questions.
C) feel safer when talking to a psychotherapist.
D) open up to strangers more easily.
Задание 15. Catherine thinks that her podcast
A) is more therapeutic than a psychotherapy session.
B) is way different from what Buckingham describes.
C) is a mix of both approaches and descriptions.
D) is more intimate and confessional than both approaches.
Задание 16. Catherine realises that alongside the world changes people
A) prefer to talk online and do it less openly.
B) are communicative and still eager to talk.
C) are more hostile when talking offline.
D) get more angered by her question.
Региональный этап 2024 по английскому языку задания и ответы
Региональный этап 2024 по английскому языку 9, 10, 11 класс задания и ответы олимпиады ВСОШ