Всероссийская олимпиада школьников ВОШ муниципальный этап 2020 по английскому языку ответы и задания для 7-8, 9-11 класса, официальная дата проведения в Московской области: 13.11.2020 (13 ноября 2020)
Муниципальный этап ВОШ 2020 олимпиады по английскому языку 7-8 класс задания и ответы:
Ссылка для скачивания заданий ВОШ 2020 для 7-8 класса: скачать
Ссылка для скачивания текста аудио ВОШ 2020 для 7-8 класса: скачать
Ссылка для скачивания ответов ВОШ 2020 для 7-8 класса: скачать
Ссылка для скачивания критериев ВОШ 2020 для 7-8 класса: скачать
Муниципальный этап ВОШ 2020 олимпиады по английскому языку 9-11 класс задания и ответы:
Ссылка для скачивания заданий ВОШ 2020 для 9-11 класса: скачать
Ссылка для скачивания текста аудио ВОШ 2020 для 9-11 класса: скачать
Ссылка для скачивания ответов ВОШ 2020 для 9-11 класса: скачать
Ссылка для скачивания критериев ВОШ 2020 для 9-11 класса: скачать
Интересные задания с олимпиады ВОШ по английскому языку:
1)You are going to hear an interview with a street performer at festivals, including one called the Hat Fair. Listen to the interview and mark the statements below (1-10) with “Т” if they are truе, “F” if they аrе false and “NS” if the information is not given. You will hear the recording twice.
- 1. The festival is called the Hat Fair because it was started by local hat-makers.
- 2. Most of all Max enjoys the shows he can do at the festival.
- З. The performer started in street theatre while he was at university.
- 4. Max got his first pocket money from his father.
- 5. The audience mostly likes the jokes in Max’s act.
- 6. Winchester is so attractive to street performers all over the world as it has a convenient location.
- 7. Max assumes that unpredictable weather is usually the main problem with street theatre.
- 8. The festival finishes with a fabulous disco party.
- 9. Overseas guests make the main audience of the festival.
- 10. According to Max, the Hat Fair festival helps people to relax together.
2)What have studies shown? A. Happy people are wealthy and self-sufficient. B. Happy people have a positive outlook on life. C. Happy people are usually rather young. D. Happy people are socially-minded.
3)What does a common misconception about happiness indicate? A. Happy people are able to handle problems. B. Rich people are happier. C. Happiness implies never having problems. D. Happiness stems from being naive.
4)What is the “flow” of happiness triggered by according to professor Csikszentimihalyi? A. By a desire to get some external reward. B. By enjoying doing nothing. C. By people’s spending most of their time challenging others. D. By doing various activities for personal pleasure.
5)Why is inactivity so dangerous for personal happiness? A. Because people experience more anxiety. B. Because people try to challenge themselves. C. Because people don’t get what they want. D. Because people think everything is fine.
6)Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea of the text? A. The scientists compare a variety of emotions which a human-being experiences throughout his life. B. The research outlines the advantages and disadvantages of happiness. C. The research has shown that happiness is caused by different chemical reactions. D. The scientific study helps us understand how to improve human well-being and get most satisfaction from life.
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Загружены одни и те же варианты в 7-8 и 9-11 классы ) интересует 7-8, сколько максимально баллов можно было набрать ?
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