Новый пробный тренировочный вариант №13 КИМ №220228 в форме заданий решу ЕГЭ 2022 года и ответы по английскому языку 11 класс для подготовки на 100 баллов.
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Данный тренировочный тест составлен по новой демоверсии ФИПИ экзамена ЕГЭ 2022 года, к тренировочным заданиям прилагаются правильные ответы и решения.
Решу ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс вариант №13 онлайн:
12)Cheetahs are very prized because: 1) There’s a great demand on a black market. 2) They make perfect pets. 3) They are very expensive. 4) They can easily be caught.
13)Why do cubs die after shipping? 1) They are given too much bad food. 2) They lack care. 3) They are mentally unstable. 4) They lack physical activity and proper food.
14)What is the main reason for cheetahs being endangered? 1) Illegal human activity 2) Lack of national parks 3) Conflicts with other predators 4) Lack of food
15)What is the aim of the Conference? 1) To let people know more about cheetahs 2) To discuss the methods of fighting illegal trade 3) To raise awareness in people about cheetahs being endangered 4) To produce a law protecting cheetahs
16)Who could help the cheetahs’ protection movement? 1) The buyers 2) Veterinarians 3) Local government 4) Sellers
17)What is the irony in the last paragraph? 1) People buy cheetahs for a lot of money but then throw them away. 2) Cheetahs are fast but they can’t find food in the city. 3) People can do nothing to save cheetahs, but cheetahs like people. 4) Cheetahs are famous for their speed and that’s the reason for their extinction.
18)What is the aim of the article? 1) Give people more information about cheetahs. 2) Cover the situation with poaching and endangered species. 3) Promote conference in Johannesburg. 4) Ask government for help.
19)In the morning the colonists took food and weapons and started along the beach toward the south. It was not necessary for one of them to stay behind. Since the arrival of the big box the day before they no difficulty in lighting a fire.
20)Not very far from the rock house there were some forest trees, and then a high wall of rock __straight up to a height of about fifty meters. On the other side of it there was a big lake. «Let’s go and see where the water goes out of the lake,» said Jack.
21)They went round the end of the rock wall. It was a very difficult journey, but at last they came to the side of the lake. The boys tried _ fish in the lake, but there seemed to be very few. CATCH
22)Jack _ the way
23)It grew _. Suddenly they came to an opening in the trees. In front of them was a river flowing out of the lake almost to the rock wall.
24)A big hole__ in the wall, about ten meters above the place where they were standing.
25)The entrance to the Rother Valley Country Park is on the right___ after you leave the tiny village of Wales. SHORT
26)For the local people this new park is a ___ area of open space, where a lot of leisure activities are provided, including canoeing, rowing, sailing, sail boarding, grass-skiing and riding.
27)For the motorized passer-by there are walks and picnic __ . POSSIBLE
28)This area is becoming __________________ popular. There is also a visitor centre at Bed Greave Mill, where there is working machinery and a cafe. But don’t expect too much in the way of good scenery.
29)The area was for long a mess of old coal mines and an __________ railway line.
30)More recently an ambitious and continuing special programme has converted the former mines to lakes. The displays in the___ visitor centre explain how grass and wetland for wildlife are being established.