Новый тренировочный вариант №200914 ЕГЭ 2021 по английскому языку 11 класс с ответами для подготовки к экзамену на 100 баллов от 14.09.2020 (14 сентября 2020 года), вариант составлен по новой демоверсии ФИПИ ЕГЭ 2021 года.
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Тренировочный вариант №1 состоит из четырёх разделов («Аудирование, «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письмо»), включающих в себя 40 заданий.
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Задания и ответы из тренировочного варианта:
1)The main aim of Sean’s visit to Spain was
- 1) to climb the highest peak on the Spanish mainland.
- 2) touring and walking.
- 3) to try the regional cuisine.
- 4) to enjoy the country’s robust red wines.
2)At that time of year, the mountain’s snowy trails were
- 1) icy.
- 2) slippery.
- 3) difficult.
- 4) uncompicated.
3)Megan and Aidan had to wait till morning because
- 1) Megan didn’t speak Spanish.
- 2) the chairlifts didn’t work at night.
- 3) the couldn’t find any help.
- 4) a hotel clerk’s directions were wrong
- 1) reached Mulhacén’s summit by mid-afternoon.
- 2) lost his way.
- 3) descended until dawn.
- 4) decided to spend the night in the wooden hut.
5)Sean could not make the ridge because
- 1) it was too far.
- 2) he was very tired.
- 3) of a blizzard.
- 4) of a strong wind and poor visibility
6)Sean fell down the slope because
- 1) a strong wind was blowing.
- 2) the slope was too steep.
- 3) he didn’t have special equipment.
- 4) he didn’t us his trekking poles.
7)While falling, Sean
- 1) was not injured.
- 2) injured his head.
- 3) shattered his kneecap.
- 4) broke his leg
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