Новые тренировочные варианты формата ВПР 2025 по английскому языку 7 класс задания с аудио прослушивания и ответами для подготовки к всероссийской проверочной работе, которая пройдёт с 11 апреля по 16 мая 2025 года. На выполнение проверочной работы по английскому языку отводится один урок (не более 45 минут). Работа состоит из 4 заданий.
angl_7_klass_vpr-2025-varianti1 вариант ВПР 2025 по английскому языку 7 класс
1. Вы услышите диалог. Для каждого предложения A-E выберите один правильный вариант ответа из трёх предложенных (1, 2 или 3). Вы услышите запись дважды. При повторном прослушивании проверьте себя. Занесите выбранные цифры в таблицу под соответствующими буквами.
A. The customer wants _______.
1) a round ticket.
2) a one-way ticket.
3) two one-way tickets.
Ответ: 2
B. The customer wants to leave _______.
1) in the morning.
2) in the afternoon.
3) in the evening.
Ответ: 1
C. A regular ticket costs _______.
1) $10.
2) $75.
3) $150.
Ответ: 2
D. The cashier helps to _______.
1) choose the place to go.
2) pay for the ticket.
3) find the platform.
Ответ: 3
E. The people are at _______.
1) the airport.
2) the cinema.
3) the railway station.
Ответ: 3
2. Прочитайте письмо. Для каждого из предложений A-E необходимо выбрать один верный вариант ответа из четырёх представленных (1, 2, 3 или 4). Dear Sam, How are you? I hope this letter finds you well! I would like to share a glimpse of my school days here in Russia with you. Every morning I ride my bike to school which is located a little bit far from my house. It takes me twenty minutes to get there. The classrooms are bright, decorated with works of art created by students just like me. We study a mix of subjects, from Literature to Mathematics, but my favorite one is definitely History. It feels like I’m traveling through time, discovering the stories of my country and the world around us.
School breaks are the best parts of the day! Once the bell rings, my friends and I rush out to the playground, where we play soccer or sometimes just chat about our favorite music and movies. I’ve introduced them to some cool English bands, and they’ve shared amazing Russian artists with me — it’s like we’re creating our own little cultural exchange! I love how our conversations often turn into friendly debates about what country has the best snacks or the greatest sports teams. It makes me realize that, despite our differences, we share so much in common. As the school year goes on, I look forward to upcoming events, like our annual talent show and sports day. I’m planning on performing a short scene with my friends, and we’re hoping it will make everyone laugh! Sometimes, I wonder what school is like for you in England. Do you have similar events? I can’t wait to hear all about your school adventures and what life is like on your side of the world. Write back soon! Best wishes, Alex
A. Alex gets to school by …
1) his personal transport.
2) his parents’ transport.
3) public transport.
4) school bus.
Ответ: 1
B. Alex’s favourite subject is …
1) Russian
2) Literature
3) Mathematics
4) History
Ответ: 4
C. Alex and his friends spend school breaks …
1) in the classroom.
2) outside the school.
3) in a school canteen.
4) in a school gym.
Ответ: 2
D. Choose the TRUE sentence.
1) Alex tells his friends about English artists.
2) Alex never discusses art with his friends.
3) Alex and his friends sometimes play a sport game.
4) Alex and his friends don’t argue about their preferences.
Ответ: 3
E. Alex wants to …
1) take part in a talent show.
2) take part in a sport day.
3) watch a talent show.
4) laugh at a short scene.
Ответ: 1
3. Перед Вами текст. Заполните пропуски, обозначенные буквами A-E, подходящими грамматически правильными формами слов. Для каждого пропуска предлагается выбор из четырёх вариантов ответа (1, 2, 3 или 4). Our New Garden Last summer my family and I decided to transform a piece of land near our house into a beautiful garden. Armed with a variety of seeds, soil and garden tools, we A the location of plants that would soon bloom. Each Saturday, we gathered to dig, plant and water, sharing B and laughs. Our garden quickly became an oasis filled with C that stretched to the sky, juicy tomatoes waiting to be picked and fragrant herbs that filled the air with their delightful aroma. Through this experience we not only learned about D but also about teamwork, patience and the exciting magic of watching something grow from a simple seed into a flourishing result of E hard work and creativity.
1) planed 2) planned 3) 4) used to plan
B 1) storys 2) storyies 3) stories 4) storis
C 1) a sunflowers 2) a sunflower 3) 4) sunflowers
D 1) gardening 2) garden 3) to garden 4) gardened
E 1) ours 2) our 3) ourselves 4) us
Ответ: 23412
4. Прочитайте отрывок из электронного письма, которое Вы получили от Вашего друга по переписке Марка из Великобритании. From: Mark@mail.uk To: Russian_friend@mail.ru Subject: Music … Our teacher suggests going to a classical music concert. To tell the truth, I’m not really happy about this idea. What genre of music do you prefer? Which singer’s concert would you like to visit? Can you play any musical instrument? Напишите ему письмо в ответ объёмом 80–90 слов, в котором будут даны ответы на три его вопроса. При ответе учитывайте правила оформления письма. Адрес и дату писать не надо. Поблагодарите друга за полученное письмо. From: Russian_friend@mail.ru To: Mark@mail.uk Subject: Music.
2 вариант ВПР 2025 по английскому языку 7 класс
Вы услышите диалог. Для каждого предложения A-E выберите один правильный вариант ответа из трёх предложенных (1, 2 или 3). Вы услышите запись дважды. При повторном прослушивании проверьте себя.
A. The customer wants to buy.
1) some pasta.
2) some pizza.
3) some potatoes.
B. The customer takes the brand.
1) which she knows.
2) which the shop assistant recommends.
3) which she has tried.
C. The marinara sauce.
1) is non-organic.
2) contains gluten but it’s organic.
3) doesn’t contain gluten.
D. The rice cakes are.
1) popular choices among snacks.
2) in the section of sweet things.
3) not recommended by the shop assistant.
E. As the result, the customer buys .
1) some pasta and sauce.
2) some pasta, sauce and snacks.
3) some pasta and snacks.
2. Прочитайте письмо. Для каждого из предложений A-E необходимо выбрать один верный вариант ответа из четырёх представленных (1, 2, 3 или 4). Dear Jake, How are you doing? I hope you are well! I just returned from an incredible trip to Moscow, and I can’t wait to share my adventures with you. The first thing that struck me when I arrived was the sheer size and beauty of the city. The historic buildings, like the Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral, looked even more stunning in person than in pictures. I spent hours exploring Red Square, taking in the noisy atmosphere filled with locals and tourists alike. I even tried some traditional Russian food, like borsch and pelmeni, which were delicious and something I think you would enjoy! One of my favorite experiences was visiting the Moscow Metro.
Did you know that each station is like a hidden treasure? Some of them are decorated with incredible artworks and sculptures. I felt like I was stepping back in time as I rode the train through these beautifully decorated stations, which tell stories of Russian history and culture. I took a lot of photos that I can’t wait to post them in my account! Plus, I met some friendly locals who gave me tips on the best spots to check out. Their kindness made my trip even more special. Before I left, I made sure to visit Gorky Park, where I joined young people playing frisbee and enjoying the sunny weather. We laughed and played together, and it felt great to connect with new friends. I have so much more to tell you, and I hope to learn all about what you’ve been doing as well! Until then, I’m sending you a postcard with a picture of the beautiful Moscow skyline. Can’t wait to hear from you! Best wishes, Dima
A. Dima has been to …
1) a small city.
2) an English city.
3) a Russian city.
4) a village.
B. Choose the TRUE sentence.
1) Dima didn’t see the main attractions.
2) Dima watched Red Square very quickly.
3) Dima got pleasure from Russian food.
4) Dima enjoyed the quiet atmosphere of the city.
C. Dima liked the stations in the Moscow Metro because …
1) there were guides telling stories of Russian history and culture.
2) he felt the historical and cultural atmosphere.
3) there were a lot of kind people around.
4) people sold artworks and sculptures there.
D. Dima is planning to …
1) share photos in a social net.
2) send photos to his relatives.
3) take photos of the Moscow Metro stations.
4) buy photos from friendly local people.
E. In Gorky Park the boy …
1) watched local young people playing frisbee.
2) didn’t communicate with locals.
3) had a picnic with locals.
4) played a game with local young people.
3. Перед Вами текст. Заполните пропуски, обозначенные буквами A-E, подходящими грамматически правильными формами слов. Для каждого пропуска предлагается выбор из четырёх вариантов ответа (1, 2, 3 или 4). The First Meeting It was an ordinary afternoon in the school cafeteria when I A met Mia, my closest friend now. As I B alone at a table, scrolling through my phone and drinking my juice, I couldn’t help but overhear her lively conversation with a couple of classmates. Her laugh was C infectious that, before I knew it, I was smiling at her without even realizing it. When she caught my eye, she waved at me to join their table. We got D thanks to shared jokes and interests in music and movies. What started as a casual interaction quickly turned into a deep conversation, and by the end of lunch, we were already exchanging phone numbers and planning E up for a concert.
1) first 2) firstly 3) the first 4) a first
B 1) sit 2) sat 3) was sitting 4) will sit
C 1) as 2) this 3) such 4) so
D 1) close 2) closer 3) closest 4) the closest
E 1) to meet 2) meet 3) meeting 4) met
4. Прочитайте отрывок из электронного письма, которое Вы получили от Вашей подруги по переписке Трэйси из Великобритании. From: Tracey@mail.uk To: Russian_friend@mail.ru Subject: Holidays … International Women’s Day is coming and I’m going to buy flowers and some presents for my mum and two grannies. What holidays do you celebrate in spring? What holiday do you like best of all? What do you do on this day? Напишите ей письмо в ответ объёмом 80–90 слов, в котором будут даны ответы на три её вопроса. При ответе учитывайте правила оформления письма. Адрес и дату писать не надо. Поблагодарите подругу за полученное письмо. From: Russian_friend@mail.ru To: Tracey@mail.uk Subject: Holidays.
Демоверсия ВПР 2025 по английскому языку 7 класс
Демоверсия ВПР 2025 по английскому языку 7 класс вариант с ответами